Interested in more spooky gender reveal ideas, here are five more for this October.
6. Graveyard fun: Tombstone gender reveal
For this gender reveal idea we are heading to the cemetery/graveyard because what’s more spooky than graveyards at night. For this you need to setup a gravesite with a tombstone and some dirt. We are going to let dad dig or shovel for something under the dirt in a little wooden box. It doesn't have to be that complicated. We just need an area with some dirt and a tombstone. Inside the wooden box you can put anything that reveals the gender of the baby e.g. a pair of baby booties, a blanket or hat in pink or blue.

Another option is using rope lights for word art. You'll need to put the remote control in the box to turn the lights on. Once dad finds the remote he has turn the lights on. The words baby due on (insert date here) or Baby (parents last name) will be written on the tombstone and will light up in pink or blue.
7. Trick or Treat

For this gender reveal we need at least five kids. Mom and dad need to figure out which kid has a candy bag containing the contents that reveal the gender of their baby.
Once they figure out which child, this child will then mention which candy wrapper has the gender of their baby, e.g. the gender of your baby is hidden inside a tootsie roll wrapper. There should be at least 5 tootsie roll candies in the bag. Mom and dad should empty the bag's contents and open every tootsie roll wrap until they find the one that say "You're having a girl/boy".
8. Unwrap the Mummy

For this you might need a mannequin with a fake belly. On that belly you are going to paint something unique; "She’s going to be a star", "He’s going to love football", something creative that resonates with mom and dad. You are going to let them unwrap the mummy to reveal the message on the pregnant mummy. Simple but fun.
9. Haunted house gender reveal recording
We are heading to the haunted house. Inside we are going to need a screen with a prerecording of a witch brewing something in a pot. Eventually colored smoke will appear from the pot revealing the gender of the baby.
10. Pumpkin Ping Pong

nstead of beer ping pong it's pumpkin ping pong. Grab about 6 to 8 pumpkins. You are going to need to carve out the top of all or opt for plastic pumpkins with an open top. On all but one paint the words "Try Again" and on one paint "It's a boy/girl". place them randomly on a countertop or table and let mom and did play. Make sure the reveal if facing the opposite direction. If they land one in.. turn the writing to face them until the gender of the baby is revealed.
That's it! 10 unique gender reveal ideas.
