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Got dry, itchy scalp? Try this first!

Hey Mama's,

Although my son is now two, I still feel like motherhood is kicking my butt and self-care is usually at the bottom of my to-do-list (if I'm being honest, it never really makes it to my to-do-list) but I'm working on it.

One of the things I've neglected is my hair. I actually cut it into a pixie style because I just didn't have the time. FYI... pixie cuts are easy and quick to style but require regular maintenance.

dry itchy scalp

Lately my scalp has been pretty dry, flaky and itchy. I've bought several oils and made a few attempts at fixing this problem, until a light bulb went off and I remembered something really important.

I didn't always suffer from dry itchy scalp but my diet has also changed. We mainly ate fish in our household growing up. I can admit that I eat less of it as I've gotten older.

Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which plays a role in scalp health. I've have been trying and testing natural remedies and products (recovering product junkie) for a pretty long time.

Omega-3 sources

There was a time when I was taking about 1000 mg of Omega-3 and Vitamin C daily, usually around that time of the month, as an experiment to help with menstrual cramps (I can write about that in another post). I remembered that each time I started, my scalp seemed healthier. There's a reason for that.

Now I know there are tons of post with remedies for dry and/or itchy scalp. Most of these are often topical treatments and include dry shampoos, hot oil treatments, aloe vera or even yoghurt. I'm not saying they don't work, but sometimes it's about what you put into your body that makes the difference (or perhaps what your not putting in).

So here's a quick tip I'm sharing for dry and/or itchy scalp: Try increasing your Omega-3 intake.

There is some correlation between Omega-3 fatty acids and scalp health.

Research suggests that omega 3 fatty acids hydrate the skin and scalp. When you're not consuming enough Omega-3 fatty acids it can lead to dry, flaky, itchy skin and scalp.

Omega 3 helps to regulate sebum production, reducing flakiness and nourishes hair at the follicles.

It can also reduce inflammation, decreasing the symptoms associated with dandruff and increase hair density (not just thicker strands but also fuller hair).

Fish oil capsules

I said all that to say, I started taking Omega- 3 supplements to help with this issue. I'll provide an update on how long it took before I saw results.



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