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The NICU Series - More Than Memories

Hey Mama's,

I know first-hand that becoming a new mom can be a little overwhelming and even more so when your journey to motherhood starts with a stop in the NICU.

I decided I'd write a series of post dedicated to the NICU experience. Well,'s more than memories.

It's life changing.

While not everyone will have the same experience maybe I can still help a mom just starting out on this journey.

I'm calling it "The NICU series" (I know it isn't that original, but I couldn't think of anything else).

In these post I hope to share insights and experiences.

I'll share what it's like to enter the NICU for the first time.

I'll also share things you'll learn, things you might need to know, what you might be feeling, life after the NICU, and so much more.

Lastly, I also hope to shed some light on how others can support a NICU mom and/or dad.

I'll create an overview here with links to all posts within this mini series.

Here's to surviving more than 100 days in the NICU!


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